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Subject: *Rounds*

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Date Posted: 08:37:27 07/30/02 Tue

::Yahoo:: - *He opens his kennel door, leaving it propped open and refills his food dish. Ushers Yahoo out and pulls out the dog bed, carrying it over his head onto a table outside to let it air out. He sloshes water across the kennel floor and lets it drain down the small drain in the middle. Broken toys are replaced with bright, new ones*

::Koli:: - *Moniters the male with his owner-to-be, making sure he doesn't get into trouble*

::Jackson:: - *Same as above*

::Chyna:: - *He does the same to her kennel as he did to Yahoo's but instead of putting the bed back, he takes the platform it was resting on and flips it over to make it into a whelping box. He adds newspaper at the bottom and sets in a few small blankets*

::Diesel:: - *Continues the same process he used on Yahoo's kennel and then sighs. He touches his finger to the automatic waterer, seeing that no water is coming out. He growls and jams a stick into it, getting rid of the blockage. The water shoots out on him and he makes a face, standing up and wiping his arms off on his moist shirt*

::Fiery Spirit:: - *Does the same to his kennel, and glances around, not having seen him in a while. He whistles loudly, leaning on the wall and looking out into the field*

::Thunder:: - *He repeats the process in his kennel, and grabs a brush smoothing out his fur and removing all the dead hair.*

::Tuk:: - *He scratches his ears, opening the kennel to let him run, and finishes work on the kennel. He makes a quick repair to a broken chainlink, wrapping it in a cloth so that Tuk wouldn't get hurt jumping on it.*

::Jessie:: - *Cleans out her kennel, like all the kennels before hers, and carefully moniters her, wondering if the next litter of Chinnooks should be from her.*

BRIN, SPICER, AND LOBO are no longer part of the kennel.

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Follows LoyalyFeirce Spirit21:36:51 07/30/02 Tue

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