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Date Posted: 14:14:43 07/30/02 Tue
Author: Amarant
Subject: Enters...
In reply to: Aurora 's message, "~Hysterical~" on 13:24:27 07/30/02 Tue

Extremely surprised and very angry at himself for being the careless jerk he was, the wingli runs into the room after her. He finds her on the bed, sobbing, hitting her pillow, going pretty much hysterical in the terms of utter despair. Finding no partiucular humor in the situation, but very seriously, he mutters. "I've missed something." He swore, withe the following sentence, "I missed something, and look at what I've done." Silently, he kneels and takes both of her wrists in his hands, prying them away from her face. Seeing her reddened cheeks, swollen eyes and damn hair from her tears creates a lump in his throat. He sits on the bed and gently takes her into an embrace he hoped was comforting for her...because he had said something to trigger her past. It was most likely his doing...and now he had to do what he was supposed to, and feeling dreadfully like doing. No matter how his conscience beat him up. So he sits, holding her. One man of a lost specie in love with a sad maiden...there was the truth, right there. "Leave the pillow alone, Aurora. You need something to hit so hit me. Calm down..." His voice sounds something similar to soothing. However, he forces every amount of apology and that tickling emotion in the back of his throat into what he said...

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