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Subject: Re: pictures maybe send I some

dirty bitch
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Date Posted: 10:06:39 04/10/02 Wed
In reply to: Nostro van sliver 's message, "pictures maybe send I some" on 03:41:32 04/10/02 Wed

hi there nostro,

we appreciate you wanting to join us in the land of giants, maybe if we ran some electricity through those crooked legs of yours we could turn them into lightning fast dynamic torpedoes. there is a drummer called andy who is also living in holland he has a funny moustache and goatee he looks a bit like george micheal without the gayness.. well sometimes.

if you bump into him nostro please tell him that all the music has been recorded and its in andy birches hands. however it sounds good. We are going to see immortal tonight (which is why the website needs to be finished TODAY as we are going in full costume and handing out flyers) they are a band who sing about nothing but frost giants. I advise you go and watch them nostro. or maybe you already have?

>Hi there rock crazy guys,
>my name is Nostro, I am an Icelandic midget living in
>Holland and play in a rock metal bands with my other
>midget friends. We are called, "Growth Inducer"
>When in England last August, I saw you crazy men
>perform at a festival in London. It was cool!!! There
>were so many giants there, but you guys were the
>biggest men I have ever seen! I like your costumes,
>yer coooool! You play the kind of crazy metal my
>friends and I only dream about. We have to play slow
>because our drummer's legs are too crooked to play the
>bass drums very fast. But I am good at the guitar and
>my fingers move fast, I would like to join your band
>and dress up in costumes and do gigs in the Harlow
>Is this possible?
>I would bring many women, they love small men but
>would love giants like you crazy rock guys!
>All my love,
>especially to the guitarist who looks like a

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