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Subject: Re: What You're Looking For (Repost)

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Date Posted: 03:17:11 10/16/01 Tue
Author Host/IP: pool0180.cvx22-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net/
In reply to: Lori S. Maynard 's message, "What You're Looking For (Repost)" on 00:36:57 10/16/01 Tue

There is a modern day parable of sorts, about two geologists digging in undisturbed fossil beds millions of years old.

One geologist happens upon a silver plastic box. It says "SONY Transistor Radio" on it. It has batteries inside, with resistors and circuit boards."

The other geologist says "It's a miracle! All the right things came together right here at the right times and this object just formed in the rocks naturally over a period of millions of years!"

The other geologist says "No way! It was created by someone intelligent. It has finely crafted circuit boards and micro chips and when you flip the switch it plays contemorary radio stations... it says SONY on the front of it... it must be man made!"

The other guy is equally determined that, since these were untouched fossil beds, the only way it could have gotten here is through natural processes over millions of years.

As you read this, you can see the folly of one professors argument. Plastics don't form in nature, and if they did they would never conform to the exact shape, weight, etc. etc. A highly evolved design IMPLIES a highly evolved designer... but the same professor who claims that the radio was man made, will in an instant go back to his classroom and totally dismiss God as the designer of the human body!... something so complex and intricate we still don't understand much of it!

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