Jim AKA Rapid-Fire
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Date Posted: 22:33:56 11/05/01 Mon
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Not safe traveling in the air or on the ground,
with so many loose nuts out running around.
If we can’t ride buses or fly through the air,
how in the hell will we ever get there?
First hijacked airplanes attack the Trade Center,
leaving hardly so much as a minute splinter.
A Greyhound bus over-ran,
by an apparent insane man.
A second attempt foiled during the ride,
the passengers all took a piece of his hide.
But now a third attack has taken place,
another fruitcake publicizing his face.
Seems he was in the back smoking a cigarette,
2 off duty drivers told him, “you can’t!” I bet,
At 70 miles an hour down the interstate,
his craving for nicotine couldn’t wait.
It was at 1:00 A.M., the middle of the night,
he gave the bus driver quite a fight.
Trying to take control of the wheel,
passengers wondering, “is he for real”?
This all happened on Interstate 10,
When will someone try it again.
The driver screamed “ no reason for all this fuss,
we’ve always said, leave the driving to us.”
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