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Subject: Coming Home with Leaving on my Mind

Lori S. Maynard
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Date Posted: 21:00:04 08/04/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache-dl03.proxy.aol.com/

What happened to the days we promised would always be
for it seems they've disappeared, or at least, they have for me
the calendar is falling more rapidly and my hair is turning gray
just from the stress of my dreams telling my sore heart to stay.

I remember the times we shared within this photograph
our smiles were so wide and we were on "the right path"
but paths do change and winds do fade - nothing is for certain
the final act has come and gone, please, let's close the curtain.

My friends at work, they tell me, that I'm too young to be with you
that somewhere along the line, I need to develop some small clue.
On the interstate every day, I convince myself that it is time
Because I am coming home with leaving on my mind.

We eat our diner and watch TV just like we're dear ol' friends
but we're supposed to be lovers and the loving just did end.
You read your magazine and I watch my life fade ‘way
slipping into the emptiness of another photographed day.

I cut up some small pictures to hang up in a nice frame
trying to capture some happiness in a heart that's well past tame.
But that only served to remind me that there's happiness out there
if I could only find somebody else who could promise just to care.

My houseplants are dying they've withered like my heart
there is no rescuing their leaves, they are soon to depart.
My pillows are stained with tears that have aged like wine
because I dream of coming home with leaving on my mind.

My friends at work, they tell me, that I'm too young to be with you
that somewhere along the line, I need to develop some small clue
On the interstate every day, I convince myself that it is time
because I am coming home with leaving on my mind.

©August 4, 2003 Lori S. Maynard

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Re: Coming Home with Leaving on my MindRobert23:11:17 08/04/03 Mon
Re: Coming Home with Leaving on my Mindjust me20:18:35 08/07/03 Thu

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