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Subject: A Plea to My Clarisse . . . From Your Darren!

Laraine Smith
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Date Posted: 22:52:56 10/24/02 Thu
Author Host/IP: 3c-1.ccrtc.com/

Take a listen to my plea!
There is no need for you to flee from me!
Let me be your will to stay alive!
I need for you to trust in me,
To see that I am not Clive!
I cherish your heart, not like he ever did!
He only wanted your looks on the inside.
I see how he hurt you day after day, just to keep himself satisfied!
My breath of fresh air has always been you!
The breeze in your kiss is the start of my day!
I long to hold you close to me,
So we can close our drowsy eyes as one.
Let me quiet your shakiness with song,
And wipe away the mess from Clive's angry storm,
With the love from inside my kiss!
Share your three beautiful kids with me!
You have filled my aching void
With Nigel, Trini, and Sophie!
With the four of you here, I will never feel empty!
With you, I am healed and whole!

DEDICATION: This poem has been especially valuable to me ever since the loss of the "music group" section at fanfiction.net. I am thankful that I made the time to print out Cally Higfield's two beautiful stories "There's Hope in the Darkness" and "Guardian Angel" at Milestone Clubhouse before this happened! (I don't have a printer at home right now.)

Writing this poem (which was inspired by these two stories) has helped me to fill this void by immortalizing my love for them! I pray that Cally Highfield will see both this poem and its dedication on the World Wide Web! Thank you, Cally!

After having read "There's Hope in the Darkness," I can see how hard it is for battered women like Clarisse to believe that not every man is violent like Clive is to her. (My late dad was violent to my family, too.)

Darren was the good guy who loved Clarisse and her three kids with all his heart! He devoted himself to being the light in their darkness! Men like Darren are roses and rare jewels!

But the evil Clive was always punishing Clarisse because she wanted to have kids, and he could no longer have her all to himself! Men like Clive are toxic thorns that deserve to suffer the exact same pain that they have inflicted on their innocent families!

I am thankful to Darren Hayes for his compassion for the abused woman who inspired him to write Savage Garden's "Two Beds and a Coffee Machine!" I pray that Darren will someday find this poem (and the dedication) and read it!

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Re: A Plea to My Clarisse . . . From Your Darren!Ted Yahraus08:34:36 10/26/02 Sat
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