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Subject: Castle Fear

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Date Posted: 22:45:32 07/15/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: cache-rb08.proxy.aol.com/

Castle Fear

On a night all dark and dismal... I, in flight with winds abysmal,
Searched for soft and sweet asylum within the walls of Castle Fear;
There which I spied the swarthy lord while from his hip hung glory's sword,
Yet I could not have ignored his haunted, wide-eyed gaze so clear;
For memory's gaunt, ungainly ghost brightly burned his eyes so clear...
Still, he did not shed a tear.

He glanced at me then turned away, as I chanced not a word to say,
I know not to this day why fate brought me to Castle Fear;
For I, a drifter, sought relief, even though it would be brief...
From the edgy, aching weather -a storm set to breaking near-
The storm, so proud and powerful, reminds me that it's time draws near;
So, opened the jaws of Fear.

The candleglow -a warm amber- lit the way to my guest chamber,
Aghast, I sensed a shade's anger, as though my soul became a seer;
Open, I pried the oaken door -perhaps to find the lost Lenore-
But as before, there stood nothing, 'twas just a darkened room of drear;
The chamber all stark and heavy with a heathen's soulless drear...
Low, I whispered, "nothing's here."

No evidence of flesh and bone, though I know I'm not alone...
Oh, I know I'm not alone, my soul does sense a presence here,
Something mad with sorrows followed, knowing that the morrow's hollowed;
Chilled and shallow is this thought -a thought that leaves me feeling queer-
So, I fled the room in haste, escaping from the thought so queer;
For I know something is here.

I rushed forth along the hall -my thoughts and feelings all a squall-
I swore hotly at fate's call, the call that brought me to Castle Fear;
And once again I spied the lord -with him his long and heavy sword-
Then, I feared we'd have a word... a word I did not wish to hear,
"Death," he groaned to me deeply -it was too much for me to hear-
"Death to all in Castle Fear."

Terrified, purely engrossed, the lord I spied surely was a ghost;
Boast of frightful fascinations such as slicing off my ear,
Weak and pallid -with whistling breath- suddenly certain to meet my death,
As his sword from sheath then severed -the spirit seemed so sincere!-
Murderous, he reeked of madness, a sad gladness most sincere...
"A slow death to you, my dear!"

-To be continued

*Lenore is in reference to E. A. Poe's "The Raven" from which the form was based.

c2002Bonnie B. Hayes

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Re: Castle FearTed Yahraus07:03:41 07/16/02 Tue
Re: Castle Fearicyheart07:16:14 07/16/02 Tue

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