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Subject: Ring in the Roses

Tracy Gelsleichter
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Date Posted: 11:31:37 08/10/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

this is really long and wish-washy and kind of cliche at some points, but meh... we poets must post. :)

It was Valentine's Day, I'd waited so long
For a box of chocolates, and sweet beautiful songs

For a guy to love me, with all of his worth
The chance to find me, give my heart rebirth

And all the while, I prayed and waited
Until I truly believed, alone I was fated

Maybe this year will be better
No use in always saying never

But I sat in my corner, while everyone else
Got cards and candy, that were truly heart felt

But little did I know that all the while
There was a guy whom I made smile

Who wanted nothing more then to hold my hand
Be my guy , until the lasting end

Maybe this was it, I'd found a guy
Who would come over and ask me "would you be mine"

And patiently I waited, Til he made his move
To come and sweep me away, with his words so smooth

And as he approached me, I felt my heart race
My blue eyes sparkling, The red on my face

"Happy Valentine's day", He spoke quietly
"Would you be mine?", He asked me shyly

My palms were sweaty, my head dizzy
If I had said no, I must be crazy

"Yes!" I squeeked, my eyes looking down
His down too, all sparkly and brown

He took my hand, and sat next to me
Handed me red roses, I counted 1, 2, and 3

I looked at him, smiling, and he said shyly
I have something for you, that I've had quite a while

I wonder what it is? What could it be?
Relax, be patient, soon enough I'll see!

He smiled and said, "Guess where it is?"
I looked at him confused, And said with a grin

"I don't know, you tell me, You're the one who bought it!"
He smiled and laughed, "But you have to find it!"

I was beginning to see, That boys are annoying
"Thanks for the roses,, I have to be going."

What was I doing? I left him alone!
I felt my pride rise, but my heart turned stone

I headed for the bus, At the end of the day
I didn't see the guy, Who gave me roses that day

I went home and put them, In a glass vase
In my room they went, For me to look and gaze

Then the phone rang, It was my school teacher
Said she had urgent news, About a boy named Peter

Peter was the boy who liked me
The one I left alone today

I wonder what it was, He was going to give me
Cards? Candies? I wanted to see

But he was annoying, I told myself
Not worth the time to try to find it out

My mom called me to her, And I heard something drop
I turned to see a ring, On the floor by my socks

It must have been this he was proposing
He hid this ring in the bundle of roses

My mom called again, I sat at the table
She looked upset, Somewhat unstable

"You have a friend at school, Someone named Peter?"
"Yes" I said, I looked down at my fingers

“Honey, let me explain, A little something about death
It’s when you close your eyes, And take a final breath…

Your friend Peter was in an accident
His life stolen the consequence”

I sat in silence, Remembering how
He must have felt alone, Like I do now

I realized then , That this ring meant more
Then just a party gift, And who it was for

I finally had found, A boy to like me
And I pushed him away, And lost him, slightly

But the consequence wasn’t just Peter’s life
I gave up on a friend who treated me nice

And now that he’s gone, I wish I could say
“Will you be mine, Today and always”

But in my heart he’ll stay, That wonderful boy
That changed me in ways, That bring me great joy

3rd grade was the hardest year of all
Losing my friend Peter was my down-hill fall

But 3rd grade is so long ago
When a boy made my heart glow

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Subject Author Date
Re: Ring in the RosesTed Yahraus21:09:18 08/10/02 Sat

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