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Subject: Simplistic Poetic Complexity

David Young
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Date Posted: 12:18:25 09/02/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: adsl-61-189-218.bhm.bellsouth.net/


If in nothing, you are aware of something
For you see the beauty of nothing
How magnificent something will be

If in the filth of existing
A blossom extend itself heavenly
Is this not a miracle?

With no hope and despair evident
How can you wish for change?
Except to work for the impossible dream

In small steps of disgust
That takes your emotions down the drain
How is it that some, can smile their way out of it

If in all the jealousies and words of ill repute
That sends identities down the sewers
Because some have to destroy others in order to exist
Can the truth ever be respected again
In the loving words of respect for all of humanity


If I should ever give up as a poet
And not try to open people’s minds
Then my words would still haunt me
Driving me from death’s door

Even in skeletal form
Thoughts will emerge in a rebirth
That will never give me peace
Until my creator silences me
For never having existed

But alas my curse is my blessing
While some will try to bury it
Into the far reaches of space
The seed in some will spread it around
Like ragweed pollen that disturb some
With the allergies of real life
Coming back to haunt you


How can I change corporate policies?
I can not but you can
How can you make politicians do the right thing?
Nobody can
Except by eliminating the cancer
And saying we all can!

Why should my words matter?
For mass media has control over thought
Molding us into the conformity to not ask why
Think about it, if you dare
Ask them for your freedom of speech
In the freedom of a free press
Ask them for a program
Where ordinary people can again talk
And not be Jerry Springer animals

In my tears of thorns
That sends me crazed into my illusions
Saying that some people still care
I write from a broken heart
Whose spirit lay wasted
From too much self abuse
For the cuts and abrasions
Have drained the dust within me
Into a shell ready to crack
But somehow never, ever ready
To give up totally

So in this mess
You see why, I must be institutionalized
To be imprisoned beyond hope
Obliterated into a shredder
Which accountants lose their respect in
But conveniently conforming to the pressure
That I cannot
So shred away the media of my reasoning
For the mind can only be shredded in death

D.Lester Young 9/2/2002
Tuscaloosa, AL
Copyright © D.Lester Young (White Eagle poetry)

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Re: Simplistic Poetic ComplexityDeb18:41:04 09/02/02 Mon

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