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Subject: Rutherford Shoes

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Date Posted: 11:49:36 04/04/02 Thu

Many times I have seen Mr. Rutherford advise the parents and dancers to buy the shoes the proper fit from the start. He makes every effort to insure the customer is buying the proper size which is borderline uncomfortable at first. There should be no extra space in the toe area and in fact, in the black suede super flexi, the knuckles of the toes should be seen popping up. We find that the dancers either really love these black suede shoes for the soft broken in feel right from the start, not to mention they are virtually blisterless, or the dancer absolutely does not like the feeling and will move onto a shoe with more support, before they are too soiled to return or exchange. Rutherford Products does carry three different Flexi Sole Jig shoes, varying in support levels from alot of support to virtually no support. WHICHEVER OF THE THREE STYLES YOU CHOOSE, YOU CAN BE ASSURED YOU ARE GETTING THE LOUDEST AND MOST DURABLE HYTECH FIBERGLASS HEELS AND TIPS IN THE WORLD! No one can duplicate these heels and tips, try as they may...

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