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Date Posted: 16:23:57 06/02/10 Wed
Author: imi
Subject: Hilfe vom Film
In reply to: tony 's message, "Loch in Erdöllagerstätte" on 17:24:47 05/29/10 Sat

"Top kill meets Titanic: James Cameron enters fight against oil spill
Director is expert in diving through films like The Abyss and offers use of his private submarines with cameras"

"The Oscar-winning film director James Cameron has made his name by applying latest technologies from the real world to enhance the credibility of his epic fantasies. Now he is doing the reverse: using the technology he applied to movie-making to assist in the very real emergency of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.

Cameron joined scientists, engineers and officials from the department of energy and the environmental protection agency at a meeting in Washington yesterday to share ideas about how to reduce the damage of the massive oil spill. The discussion was described by the Obama administration as a "listening session", though it is no secret that BP has struggled to find the right technology that can work at one mile below the ocean surface.

Two weeks ago, Cameron offered BP the use of his private fleet of submarines, currently moored in Lake Baikal in the Russian federation.

The director of Avatar, the world's highest-grossing film, and the previous record-holding movie, Titanic, is considered an expert in the technology of deep-sea diving, having used submersibles in a succession of his films.

His 1989 film The Abyss is set underwater around an oil rig where a US nuclear submarine has crashed. The film was shot in a deep-sea canyon in the Caribbean known as the Cayman Trough. The make-believe oil company that owns the rig in Cameron's underwater thriller is called BP, standing for Benthic Petroleum.

In preparation for his 1997 blockbuster, Titanic, he created a new generation of mini remotely operated vessels (ROVs) that were small enough to enter the inside of the sunken ship..."

aus The Guardian

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  • Größenvergleich -- imi, 05:15:20 06/03/10 Thu
  • Re: Beam-Job -- tony, 16:15:12 06/03/10 Thu
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