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Date Posted: 17:50:51 06/20/10 Sun
Author: tony
Subject: clawfinger - catch me

I've been standing on the edge of the roof looking down
I've been looking at the people that are gathering around
I've been here for an hour or maybe even more
just looking at the people that I've never seen before
stupid little faces are all I can see
those silly little suckers are all laughing at me
no wills cheap thrills you're puppets to the master
your only satisfaction is my lonely disaster
you learned how to creep and you learned how to crawl
but you never really learned anything at all
when I was a boy everything was just fine
I learned how to talk and how to walk in line
I had to learn the rules that build our society
but I could never understand it didn't mean shit to me
everybody always told me I was out of my mind
but I never did kiss anybodys behind
I'm a lot older and I guess I should know
but I'm standing on the roof just watching the show
standing on the edge and my step belongs to me
and I'm telling you all I won't miss what I see
one foot over theres no time to turn around
both feet are over and I'm heading for the ground
I'm flying in the air and I can feel the cool breeze
the people on the pavement have gone into a freeze
no space no time it's like walking on the moon
my heart is still beating but It won't be soon
I can hear myself scream when I hit the street
I can't feel a thing from my head to my feet
I told you I would do it and I didn't even cry
I feel more alive dead then when I was alive



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