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Fri, Mar 14 2025, 6:33pm PDTLogin ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]

RD: Boardwalk
The clear blue ocean and white sandy beaches are the drawing point for most of the traffic down here, and help make the area a busy place. Almost hidden by shape of the beach and far from the main traffic is the entrance to a quiet, small cove that offers some privacy and peace to the locals who just want a slice of sand to call their own. Back where the beach is open, fresh, and clean, a couple privately owned and operated surf and skate shops, an icecream parlor, and those sorts of things line the boardwalk.
Further down the coast, the whole demeanor darkens as the quaint beach area develops into the notorious Waterfront. The moment the sun goes down, the 'Front becomes the most active area of town - bustling with bored underage kids looking to sneak into one of the bars, drugs dealers seeking new clientele, and friends just wanting a night out. It can be merely a place to spend the night dancing, but it is also often the location of violence and illegal activities, and everyone should be cautious when venturing out at night.
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