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Date Posted: Wed, Jan 24 2007, 8:18am PST
Author: Ais
Subject: She was actually quite happy that he hadn't poured her a second glass of champagne - she had just enough in her system to give her a warm, hazy feeling, but not enough to forget this moment. As he broke away from the kiss, she tucked her lower lip into her teeth, her pale eyes slid shut, her hands taking leave of his shoulders to have a wander across the broad expanses of his skin. She couldn't help but feel a great sense of relief, a bit feeling of thank god, finally. She finally drew his face back up to hers to meet her lips in another kiss laced with desire.
In reply to: Aislinn 's message, "All I wanna do is be there for the things that you're going through... is that good for you? Is it good for you?" on Mon, Jan 22 2007, 11:50am PST

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  • He returned her hungry kiss as his hands filled with her, moving around to her back to press her chest tight to his before letting them fall back down to her hips, pressing her closer still as he kissed her, his fingers playing witht he strings of her bikini bottoms (NT) -- Andre, Wed, Jan 24 2007, 8:21am PST

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