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JumpinJack AJ
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Date Posted: 14:39:26 01/01/03 Wed

When Eminem 1st came out, b4 the fame and all that, i waz in2 him and really like alot of his 1st album. It's filled with creative and witty stuff. Of course then the Marshall Mathers LP came out which had some dope production...but alot less comedy with wack subject matter. This lead 2 me no longer really caring about his music anymore.

However, his current hit "Lose Yourself" really impressed me. Simple production with lyrics that actually mean something. I give props 2 him 4 that...this is the 1st Eminem song i've liked in awhile (i know it's a few months old of course).

The REAL reason i actually wanted 2 give Em props is cuz of the news i just read. I tried 2 cut and paste the article but it isn't working. It basically said that he dosen't even care about all this fame and projects he put out in 2002. He said that he has totally abandoned drug use and is working out 2 maintain his heath and is ready 2 move on.

I waz just impressed by this. I'm hoping this new Eminem will have all those lil' white kids who worship him 2 take after his new life. He's got alot of young fans who don't have an identity 4 themselves and just copy him which could lead 2 alot of the yucky stuff he has done in the past.

I give him props 2 the positive change!!

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Date Posted: 16:11:10 02/25/03 Tue

>I give him props 2 the positive change!!

SWEET !! i takes my hat off to em also... n fanx Adam, for lettin us know bout dis... yo da bomb... yo know it ;)

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