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Date Posted: 22:50:03 03/17/02 Sun
Author: Kallie
Subject: Re: Emma Watson is sooooo cute
In reply to: Aaron Tinnerella 's message, "Re: Emma Watson is sooooo cute" on 10:49:29 02/02/02 Sat

>>>Emma Watson is soooo cute, am in love, the dumb thing
>>>is i will never meet her, then i can`t say these
>>>Emma Watson I Love You ever since i saw you for the
>>>first time(Harry Potter And The Philsopher`s stone)
>>>I Love You(i am not a crazy Fan like you think)
>>>Love Christer Nilsen
>>I agree with chris. She is Hot!(on fire type hot)
>Maybe you can't meet her, but how would you like to
>talk to her? Her screen name is PepsiGuRl953. I've
>talked to her before, she is really nice.

Oh please... Why don't you just send her email? I'm her best friend, and I'm not allowed to tell you her practical address, or her private, or her agent one, but here's her fan mail!


You know, she hates it when boys like you exaggerate like that! I was at her house just yesterday;
"I think the worst thing about being famous is all the boys who stare at you and write you love letters, why can't they just knock it off? Want some pudding?"

Okay, I didn't have to put the pudding thing in, but maybe you guys could keep your 'everlasting love' for her to yourself, because every time she sees one of these messages she just drops lower than liking you. Emma's just not a 'guy-type'!

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