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Subject: Re: Pendulum issue

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Date Posted: 12:50:26 07/12/08 Sat
In reply to: Breezy 's message, "Re: Pendulum issue" on 08:49:38 07/04/08 Fri

You know my opinion is that regardless of what your conscious mind is asking that the use of the pendulum is to tie into what your subconscious feels. This means that the answers are subjective and not something to predict the future or give you information outside of yourself. the only other use i have found very effective for the pendulum is to determine the amount of energy something has. Like for example if you are trying to raise energy or charge something with energy then the pendulum is useful to detemine the amount of energy raised (a wider circle= more energy)
Now when it comes to tarot or runes then you are tying into spiritual guidance outside of yourself. In those cases asking for the truth even if it isn't what you want to hear is appropriate since you are talking to spirit guides and a universal consciousness. However personally I don't think that all information is always available. and i do think that circumstances can change. Obviously in the case of having a baby it is already a known fact as to the baby's gender....but beyond that a lot can change. I absolutely think my daughter was originally going to be born on my birthday. i was in heavy labor. But i was very very upset and some things that were going on made me not emotionally ready to go with the labor/birth. She was born a week and a half later when the situation that i was upset about had calmed down.

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Re: Pendulum issueBreezy17:32:36 07/14/08 Mon

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