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Subject: This. This is the worst thing

Claude (Fuck my life)
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Date Posted: 03:06:02 02/01/09 Sun

Kodeir says:
Claude says:
I don't Pox at 3 AM
Claude says:
I'm not a Pox junkie like you
Kodeir says:
6am here!
Kodeir says:
Claude says:
Go share Pox needles with your friend
Kodeir says:
I just had the funniest night
Claude says:
Claude says:
Here comes an Arc story
Claude says:
These are always funny cause they are so pathetic
Kodeir says:
I'll upload the videos
Claude says:
Of course you will
Claude says:
Hey, was it you who made a video of yourself falling out of a tree?
Kodeir says:
Haha... yes.
Claude says:
I figured
Claude says:
Only you
Kodeir says:
Its kind of similar
Kodeir says:
We went to the storage at the theatre, with all the 10-13 foot movie cardboards and shit
Kodeir says:
And taped ourselves leaping off of garage doors and dropkicking tom cruise, batman, etc
Kodeir says:
Then we ran across the rooftops at this bar, and other assorted things
Kodeir says:
but someone called the cops
Kodeir says:
So the cops come to investigate why people were on the rooftops, we told them we were doing maitenance since it was at the theatre people saw us over
Kodeir says:
we do actually work there
Kodeir says:
Kodeir says:
The whole going into the storage unit and destroyed 10 cardboard movie things
Kodeir says:
at 3am in the morning
Kodeir says:
well... its all on the security camera
Kodeir says:
that nobody had a reason to look at
Kodeir says:
till the cops found out
Claude says:
So in the end, you got arrested
Kodeir says:
Not at all
Claude says:
And they let you use a computer to make ONE MSN conversation
Claude says:
And you used it on me
Kodeir says:
they only found out about us being there
Kodeir says:
and protocol they have to call our managers
Kodeir says:
which means our boss will look at the videos
Kodeir says:
and probably laugh really hard
Kodeir says:
but then tell us we're fucking retarded
Kodeir says:
and maybe fire one
Claude says:
Who is your employer? Johnny Knoxville?
Kodeir says:
Some New Jersey guy
Kodeir says:
I've only worked there 3 weeks, so, I mean... the other kid is his younger brother, and the other has been there two years
Kodeir says:
I'm probably fucked haha
Claude says:
If I gave a shit, I'd pretend to care
Claude says:
But I can't even muster that
Kodeir says:
Jackass haha
Kodeir says:
Want to see one of the videos?
Claude says:
So I hope you get fired and can't sustain yourself any more because you spent all your money on virtual trading cards
Claude says:
Claude says:
Oh god yes
Claude says:
I need it to finish
Claude says:
Oh god hurrrrrrrryyyyy
Kodeir says:
What the hell haha?
Claude says:
Dammit stop reopening my MSN window
Claude says:
Kodeir says:
Claude says:
You're right
Claude says:
I want to see a bunch of boyz2men white kids doing stupid shit in Florida cause why the fuck not
Claude says:
That's why I exist
Kodeir says:
You were born with that intention.
Claude says:
So let's see the video so I can cite something in my suicide note
Kodeir says:
Kodeir says:
You know what, nevermind. I'll show Chris I'm sure it'll eventually get to you anyways
Claude says:
Oh yes I'm sure
Claude says:
Arc stories get passed around the grapevine like candy
Kodeir says:
Yes, I understand I'm like the bad penny
Claude says:
No. To say you were a penny would imply that you were worth something
Claude says:
You're like the bad mosquito who gives everyone malaria
Claude says:
Making a bad name for the rest of the mosquitos who just want some blood
Claude says:
Not kill off Africa
Kodeir says:
Thats kind of much better in my mind than being the bad penny
Claude says:
I'm going to post this on the message board
Claude says:
To remind myself why I don't associate with you

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I'll reply to remind myself why I never visit this message board anymore.Vejita (Confused)20:29:57 02/01/09 Sun

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