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Date Posted: 11:36:55 08/10/01 Fri
Author: Roxxy
Subject: *Roxxy rides in on Lady. She is pulling at the bit>>>

but Roxxy restrains her.* I know you want to go, but you have to let your muscles stretch first. *The walk aways further, and Roxxy lets her into a trot. She loves to hear the pounding of her horse's hooves as she rides. They come to a straightaway and Roxxy lets Lady go all out. Lady strechs her neck and runs hard. The wind whipps around Roxxy's face. She can hear nothing but wind and pounding hooves. She leans forward just enough and feels like she is flying. Unfortunatly the straight away ends and they have to go back down to an easy walk. Roxxy strokes the already sweaty neck and looks ahead. They walk about an eighth of a mile, then they come to a farily large creek. Lady looks at it caustiously at first but then lowers her head to the water and sniffs it. Then she plunges in, so unexpectantly, that Roxxy almost falls off. But she was prepared for anything, so she was fine. They wade across. The water does get pretty deep. Roxxy's feet just skim the top of the water so they only get a little wet. Then Roxxy suddenly decides she is hot so she jumpes in, off of her horse and walkes the rest of the way to shore. She laughed outloud and then she rang out her jeans since only they got wet and mounted once again. Lady looked at Roxxy like she had lost her mind!...*

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