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Subject: .

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Date Posted: 14:17:07 08/26/09 Wed

Little Miss, Mister, Teen,
Miss, and Ms. Citrus Pageant

GIRLS: 0-11 months, 12-23 months, 2-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-13 years, 14-17 years, 18-29 years, 21-56 years
BOYS: 0-35 months, 3-6 years

Little Miss, Mister, Teen, Miss, and Ms. Citrus Pageant is seeking Preliminary Directors! The National Pageant will be held on February 4-7, 2010 at the Florida Hotel and Convention Center, located in the Florida Mall, Orlando , FL.

These preliminary pageants may be anywhere in the United States including Puerto Rico . There are 11 age divisions and the pageant is celebrating it’s over a decade old and proves to be on of the biggest children pageant’s in the country. The 11 preliminary winners will receive free entry to the National Pageant. All other contestants will receive ½ price.

I have maintained a low cost franchise fee for preliminary directors to get started. The cost includes ALL crowns, banners, trophies, contestant numbers and 11 free entries (one per division) and all other contestants a ½ price entry to the National Pageant. The age divisions are the following:

All CITRUS preliminaries must be conducted by January 10, 2010 . You will be posted on the National website. I will create all paperwork for you, as a preliminary director.

You must notify Michael Galanes , the National Director, by September 4, 2009 if you wish to become a Citrus Preliminary Director. The telephone number is 954-797-0313 and the e-mail address is director@littlemisscitrus.com Please know the city and dates you are interested in directing.

Click on the banner to visit the website.

We hope to work with you soon at Little Miss, Mister, Teen, Miss, and Ms. Citrus , the pageant where dreams really do come true!

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