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Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 02:13:11 04/26/17 Wed

Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt


Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events

Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.

Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.

Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.

I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.

The address of the poll:



Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:

In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.



Poll about cystoscopy:

By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.



Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:

Children, teens and adults are sometimes called in to undergo medical exams and procedures they do not know they need. Often these exams are very extensive with endoscopic inspections through body openings, ex-ray and ultrasound of several body areas, testing with electronic equipment and a lot more. Often the person is given anesthesia to be unconscious during all or parts of the procedure. If you or your children have been called in for something like this, please tell about it through this poll.


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




Girl, 16yo, Finland, abucted and tested with other kids at a hike to a sauna

I am female. It happend in Finland when I was 16 yo, at a sauna in a relatively remote area. I was going with several of my friends who were all teenagers or kids. After sitting in the sauna for a while, we went outside for a swim in the cold water, as usual.


I saw an alien-looking flying vehicle that approahced me. Also a boat came towards me. Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from.

I say it was a "boat"" but it was an alien craft of some kind, on the water. It looked totally unfamiliar. The aliens came out through a hatch and swam towards us. They were very fast and seemed to be aquatic in nature.

They carried me away. They floated me into the vehicle through a door. They also took with them other persons, kids, teenagers and adults, together with me.

They just grabbed us with their weird cold alien limbs and swam very fast, we couldn't break their grip. They got me and all my friends and took us inside. It was somewhat dark inside and very humid, and the walls were all ridged like siding on a house.


The preparation occured in the same room where I entered the vehicle.

They washed me. They emptied my bladder with a device covering my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device covering my anus. They let me sit waiting after the preparation at a sort of chair. When waiting I was strapped down, I had some device at my urinary opening to keep me empty and at my anus to keep me empty, and a mask over my mouth and nose.

I saw kids and teenage people being prepared together with me.

The steam in the air was very thick but it was cold. We were all already naked because we were swimming outside the sauna. Everyone else was being put into similar chairs with masks over their faces and equipment over their lower areas just like me.

They smeared a jelly substance over our groins, armpits, legs, and eyebrows and put what looked like seaweed over those areas, pulled it off and removed all the body hair. They left the hair on our head alone though.


I was kept in the same room as before before the tests.

They staged sexual scenes or handlings and tested my reactions. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone.

They put a large piston-like device at my vagina and it started ramming inside me hard. This continued for the whole ordeal. I saw something similar happening to other girls but I was too distracted to see what they did to males. I heard everyone making various sounds, lots of screaming. There were strips of seaweed-like material sticking to my body at different points, I think those were measuring things? There was also a cup put below my genitals collecting any fluid.


I was still in the same room

They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach. They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs.

They touched all parts of my body with the seaweed strips and seemed to take measurements periodically. Then they would change my position and put them in new places. I had the piston pushing into my sex the whole time.

They looked and felt at my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They looked and felt at my back." At one point there were tiny suction tubes put on my nipples, but they took them off pretty quickly. The rest of me just got the seaweed put on it. There was a tight rope or cord put around my ribcage at one point and tightened til it hurt, then removed.

They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction.

They examined my limbs and joints in other ways. I was put into many different positions throughout. They also put a cord around my ankle at one point, they left this one on and tight for a long while. They attached a lot of the seaweed to the palms of my hands and soles of my feet.

They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined At the beginning there was some of the seaweed like material put into my openings but after that it was just the piston machine. It was in there for hours. They tried stretching me out, curling me up, folding in about every direction, but mostly on my back and on my stomach with legs dangling off the chair.

After my first orgasm, a piece of that seaweed was put on my clitoris and held there by one of the aliens. they left it there but didn't pay it much more attention after I had a second orgasm, and after that I didn't have any more, they just kept pounding that machine into my vagina.


I started hearing less noise and realized a lot of people were passing out. The tube on my mouth suddenly sucked out the air and I couldn't breathe. They put seaweed strips over my eyes so I couldn't see. I blacked out after a little while. All I could hear was gurgling sounds and something like frog croaking noises.

I do not remember how I got back, but I woke up at the place where they took me. I woke up on the shore with my friend rubbing me and trying to wake me up. Everyone else was there on the shore, some awake, some still passed out.

Like I said, we never had clothes on in the first place because we were swimming outside the sauna.


I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. I had headache after the ordeal. My joints and msucles were aching. I blead or had discharge from my vagina. I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out.

The younger kids seemed to be fine more or less, only us older teenagers seemed wiped out. Of course everyone was still missing their body hair and eyebrows, but it grew back. It was pretty traumatic but I didn't end up afraid of swimming, I just worried about going out too far that I couldn't swim back quickly if they came again. It was also very frustrating that most people didn't believe our story, but half our group refused to talk about it.


The story contains details you never hear about in the abduction stories you can read in the media. But other abdiction accounts I have, have similar details.

The big question is of the kids were abducted by real aliens, or by some government or supergovernment project.

The swimming beings behaved like navy soldiers. The flying vehicle could have been a drone they used to have oversight. The drone possibly also sent out waves that paralyzed the kids to a certain extent so that they were easy to capture.

The boat could just be some military kind of boat.

The story tells about children and teens being aqbducted, but adults were also metioned. Those adults could gave been doctors or nurses.

Nearly all the equipment told about are in standard use in health centers where kids are examined.

The pistonlike thing used in the vagina is something used on kids in certain scientific projects and is as such a standard device even though it is not used normally for examination and treatment.

The seaweedlike material seems to be something they used to absorbe secretions for testing in a laboratory. This is the only material I have never read about before.

It appears that there was anestetic gas in the air inside the boat so that the kid got in a sedated state as soon as they had entered.

It seems like the kids were then howd in a sedated state by gas they got through the mask, and later by tubes into their throut. But this is also a standard method for making kids cooperative in hospital settings. This state probably made the experience seem more alienlike than it was in reality.

One can never be sure, but likely the kids were abducted by a secret project for surveillance and experimentation on children and teens.

Knut Holt


Boy, 8yo-16yo, North America, faulty bladder augmentation resulting in many new ordeals

It happened At schoolage 6-9, as preteen 10-12 and as early teen 13-16, in North America, in 2010 and later. I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area. I had a procedure in my upper stomach with instruments through my mouth.


I was given sedative medicines through my mouth. I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. I had a mask and IVs for the anesthesia. The procedure happened in a hospital.


I've had a few surgeries since I was about 10 to find out the cause of some stomach problems I've had. My first surgery was when I was 8 and I had to have a piece of my intestine removed and used to make my bladder bigger. When I was 12 I started getting pain in my belly and they took a look at me in the operating room with some scopes down my throat and up my butt they couldn't find anything wrong with me.

When I was 13 they decided to take my appendix out to see if that was the cause it wasn't. When I was 14 they took out my gallbladder which didn't do anything. Finally when I was 16 a doctor did an open laperotomy on me and found that they had twisted a bit of my intestine when they had put it back together after my first surgery.

They needed to find out what was wrong with me. My mom drove me for all of them.

After my last one they told me what they had found. I had a lot of testes and MRI and cat scans done as well. It was a various ages all in a local children's hospital.

I'm perfectly fine now and want to be a pediatric general surgeon now.


Yeah I had a few IVS, I don't really know what they all were. No breathing tube, just a mask, Catheter after all of my surgeries. Heartbeat monitor. They were all really nice to me. I did not waje up as far as I can remember but sometimes I dream about being awake during my last one.


I had pain, irritition or other problems in my mouth. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my respiratory tract or lungs. I had pain, irritation or other problems in my urethra or bladder. I had pain or irritation in my esophagus or upper stomach. My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body.","

Some procedures took at least twice as long as expected befor I wake up. My last surgery was the longest as they had started doing it lsprscopic but the doctor couldn't find anything wrong so he opened me up.


All surgeries have a risk that things are not done quite right wich results in problems later, that often are greater than the problems it was meant to fix. This is often ignored by the medical profession and one does things with children that should not be done when the possible usefulness is weigted up against the risks. It is difficult to know from this story if the original problems they meant to fix by the first surgery were greate nough to make the surgery valid, but I have the feeling that this was not so, and it resulted in a lot of new problems and unneccesary procedures.


Man, 22yo, Sussex, England, Paralyzed and inspected naked by beings in the woods

I am male.It happened in In West Sussex, England at age 22, Out in the woods outside town.


Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from.

Two beings appeared on a track out of the trees. They had nothing with them. They were smaller than me, had no kind of clothing and no visible features on their bodies. They had small but wide eyes with no lids and no projecting nose with a small round mouth.

I just got paralyzed as they approached me. They didn't take me anywhere; it all happened there in the woods that evening.

They stripped me totally naked. I wasn't in a room. One moment I was dressed and the next I was naked. I didn't take my clothes off and nor did they; they just came off. There was no preparation, and no one else was involved.


I do not remember that they tested me. They didn't do any tests. I wasn't in a room.","They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

They looked and felt with their fingers. I do not remember they examined my breast, stomach and back otherwise. They just felt me all over.

They seemed fascinated by my nipples, navel and genitals. They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested how my joints worked; I couldn't react really.

They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They felt my genitals, moving them about; I did start to react to this. I started to get aroused. I couldn't help it.

They seemed to find this interesting. I was standing in the same position all the time. Nothing at all, The was no room.

There was no communication between us; they were silent. I was at the same place during the whole ordeal, They came to me and did the things with me.


The beings just turned away and left me standing there, still naked. When I could move again I looked for my clothes and found some of them, neatly folded, nearby. I put on what I had and after a while to recover I made my way home.

As I said, they just walked away leaving me alone and naked in the woods. When I could think and move again I found some of my clothes and put them on. My underwear and shoes couldn't be found.

I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. Things I had on me were missing. I had no symptoms; I felt fine, just tired. My feet were sore because I couldn't find my shoes and I had quite a way to walk. No, nothing I can think of.


It seems like some alien beings are constantly monitoring the state of the people on Earth and move around to inspect individuals. These may live in motherships around the planets in the solar system or they may live in another level in a foth dimmention than Earth and jump over to monitor what is going on at Earth. It is umlikelt that these aliens have travelled a long way.

This event seems to be a part of such an inspection round. The beings might have been robots that had advanced recording capabailities in their fingers. A fairly frequent occurance by these events are some missing clothes, most typically underwear and footwear. The being might have taken them aside for further analysis and that the event was interrupted so that the baings had to go away before bringing them back.

Knut Holt



Girl, 11yo-16yo, Canada, Bi-yearly full body inspection in a Montessori school

I am female. It happened in Canada in 2000-2009, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old.

The exam was just announced suddenly at the beginning of the first day. The exam happpene at a room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event.

All children of the age group in my community and children in my school of the age group and in the kindergarten had the exam.

Those questions didn't quite apply, so let me clarify by telling you the scenario:

It was a montessori school in Canada. I moved there to start 6th grade and had never gone to a school like that before.

The exam was done right in the classroom by assistant nurses and the teachers. The first day of class they just announced out of nowhere they were going to do medical exams and puberty measurements, and we should all take all of our clothing off. All the other kids did it right away without caring, apparently it was something they were used to, but I wasn't, so I was really embarrassed. It took me a long time before I could move, but they asked me again and I realized everyone else was doing it so I'd just go along with it.


I had to strip totally naked before the exam. I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs, on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread, on my right side, on my left side.

I did not get any anesthesia. They laid us down on the beanbag chairs that were in the classroom. We changed positions multiple times as asked, and the examiners mostly kneeled down or sat on stools.


They went over every inch of my skin, head to toe, and touched and felt and checked everything. They pressed my skin to see its texture, they rubbed my abdomen for a long time to feel how my organs were. They listened with their ear directly touching my skin in several places. They used small measuring tapes and rulers to measure every tiny aspect of my body, depth of my vagina, length of my clit.

I was super embarrassed and turned red all over but they said it was nothing to feel bad about. I kept trying to cover myself and they had to move my hands.

I was terrified they were going to make us masturbate or something, like provide a sample. It seemed like they wanted to test every body function, but the only sample they took was they had us all pee in a cup. I saw some boys with erect penises having them measured, but I don't know if the nurses stimulated them or just let it happen on its own.

Months later when I brought it up, and told other students my fears (we had gotten to know each other better) they seemed to feel there would be nothing wrong with it if they did want to masturbate us.


They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They took specimens from my throut with a tube. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


They also asked a million questions about everything my body does, and since I was new and had no prior records they had to ask me the most. They asked when my pubic hair came in, but also just random things like do I cry sometimes, are my tears coming out fine, do I have too much or too little earwax.


Some other type of arrangements. We just went on with classes as normal, afterwards. I was shaking and was desperately trying to find my clothes. I noticed half the class didn't even bother putting their clothes back on, some only got half-dressed. Most of the class stayed barefoot and continued that habit in class from then on.


Everyone else just acted like nothing weird happened at all, but the teachers noticed how uncomfortable I was and after class they talked to my parents, and I was signed up for psychological examinations. In those sessions the therapist gently at first, then over time more insistently told me to undress and to get comfortable with it. I went to four more psych sessions that were held totally nude before they decided I was healthy.


I went to a Montessori school. It was just a montessori school, they said they prided themselves on doing things differently, giving individual attention, and not worrying about the way other people do things or giving a lot of pointless rules. I could write a whole book on how strange and different it was, including subjects like health, sexual education, and phys ed, but I did get a better education. and it was interesting never getting talked to about how I dressed or if I scratched myself or how I sat or anything.

These full body exams happened for the next 5 years, on the first day of each new school year, and the first day back from winter vacation.


Montessori schools tend to monitor the bodily and mental development of each kids very detailledly in order to fit the teaching the best ways to rach kid. Since inspections and mesaurements in the pelvic reagion and data one can get by inspections through the pelvic openings tell very much about the development stage, this region is perhaps monitored the most in these schools.

These schools has however some standards for what they concider a normal development, and if these standards are not met, they tend to subject the children for adjustments of various kind, including adjustments with instruments put in through the urethra vagina and anus, special training regimes of itimate kind and external physiological therapies. This account does not tell about these kind of adjustments, but the girl was sent to a psychologist for a more thorrough psychological assessment and possible adjustments of mental and emotional kind.

Since many children were examined at the same time the school probably had apppintments with nurses from some health institution nearby, and the teachers also seemed to have been thought about how to perform the exam. It is possible that the data measured at the exam were used in some scientific project that the society was running and that the school got money from that project.

Knut Holt


Boy, 12yo, USA, inspection throught the anus and digestive testing

It happenede when I was a 12 year old boy, in USA, in 2010 or later. I was 12 and it happened in a hospital in a small town. They performed an exam or procedure but was not given information about what they did. The procedure happened in a hospital. I'm not really sure I was just told I had to go to the hospital for a procedure, and that I needed to have it done. They said something about fixing a problem I had.


I had pain irritition or other problems in my mouth, in my respiratory tract or lungs and in my anus or rectum.

My underwear beng messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The time till I you regained consciousness was at least twice as long than expected. My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs.
Strange persons appeared around me before and after the procedure than those you expected to perform the procedure. All I remember is being told I would be asleep for an hour and it took two hours.


I don't really know what they did. I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. They put a mask on me and gave me an injection. My step dad brought me there. I was asleep the whole time.


Yeah they did a ct scan and ultrasound of my belly before the procedure but didn't tell me why


I think they did something to my bladder or kidneys or both. After the anesthesia I had a tube and wire up my anus, and they told me it was to monitor the pressure inside me, that was placed during the procedure.


Yeah, a couple of ivs. Yeah, I had a breathing tube, they kept it in me for a hour after I woke up. I had catheter, it was just to a bag Yeah I had a tube and wire up my anus they told me it was to monitor the pressure inside me. Heart monitor Yeah they kept listening to my belly


The boy surely got general anesthesia with paralyzation of all muscles and artificial ventilation during the procedure. It is highly probable they inspected his bladder and the passages up to his kidneys.

They surely inspected his rectum and colon. They also placed a tube with monitoring elctronic to test the function in his colon. That test continued after the anesthesia was out.

Based on the description it also seems that people from the child protective services also were present to look for symptoms of abuse or habits not approved by the society.

It is highly probable that the school or the child protective system ordered the exam after observation that the boy had habits that did not conform to a strict sheme established by paranoid authorities.

Knut Holt


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