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Subject: 12.5KW Perkins Generator

Rich Johnson
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Date Posted: 08/ 22/ 15, 4:20pm

This is somewhat convoluted, but, this is the way it goes: I own a FC-33 1981 Wanderlodge. It came with a Perkins 12.5 KW generator. I live in Connecticut, but visit my daughter in California. My two sons got jobs in California, and live with their sister at her house. I loaned the generator to the brothers for the purpose of fixing up the gnerator and learning about the mechanical and electrical parts of a gen-set. The only ting wrong with the diesel was that it could use a cleaning, and it had a bad bearing in the water pump. I provided a rebuilt water pump for them to install. Instead of fixing it, they tore the diesel into pieces, then lost interest in the whole thing. My daughter, under the influence of her boyfriend, decided to give away the diesel to one of her boyfriend's friends. Give Away - they said. So now I have no diesel to inlcude with the RV when I go to sell it. I have the original bill of sale for the Wanderlodge, but not sure if the diesel numbers are traceable to the RV. To me this would be a way of getting my diesel back as I am the only one with a bill of sale. What can I do? Any help appreciated. Rich

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