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Subject: NEW

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Date Posted: 09/ 16/ 16, 4:47am

I need help, big time..... 1998 Hatt with 12V92's. I'm deep into a total rebuild and the liners are out and finding no issues with the engine, I have a dilemma that is stumping my mechanic. I wonder if anyone knows why a plug is shoved in the main water jacket located 2:00 of the #4 cylinder hole of the inboard bank of the port engine. 3 other plugs are in three more water jackets. One on the #4 inboard side as well as as well as at 11:00 on #3 cylinders holes on the in and outboard water jackets. From what I've learned, a 12V92 is two 6V92's joined nose to nose so if that is correct, the 4 plugs are located adjacent to # 1 cylinder on both banks of both 6V blocks.
After digging through a bunch of receipts, one eng survey, and some service records left on the boat I recently bought, I learned that this engine continually had heat problems which the prior owners tried chasing down. Also when I was bringing the boat up the coast, I could not exceed 1850 without the temp creeping up. Is it possible these plugs do not belong there? Or is it possible that 4 plugs are too many plugs?
I conferred with a local mechanic and he recalls a Detroit bulletin mentioning between a certain range of serial numbered engines, these plugs were to be inserted to remedy an overheat problem. Could someone have added 2 where the should only be 2 ?
I'm really uneasy about continuing with the rebuild until I know with great certainty what the deal with these plugs are. Can you help ? ? ? PLEASE ?

BTW, these engines are marinized be Detroit, not J&T nor Covington.

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