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Date Posted: 00:25:44 09/24/02 Tue
Author: LEGOMinion Army
Subject: Phase 2, implementing
In reply to: Mahhr-sel 's message, ""Hurm...Decepticon Pirates: 0; Plastic crunchy LEGOsian invaders: 1...interesting...."" on 03:59:47 09/22/02 Sun

As the LEGOMinion army finsihed setting up communication stations all throughout the three towers, Each of the LEGOGenerals were standing by, watching it all take place. In a matter of hours they had set up a temporary vase of operations more advanced then any they had used in the old universe. While metal and stone remained o nthe outside, almost the entire innards of the building were now LEGO, suitable for the LEGOMinion's liking. The wonderous thing was, the LEGOs had created almost an entirely new building underneither the three already standing, almost as deep as the buildings were tall. At the bottum of the first tower, LEGOMinion builders were mkaing sections of brick, prepareing for the creation of the new LEGONucleus. The time was right.

Agent Orange, who had gathered enough energy by now, made his way top the bottum of the first tower, and finished making the outer holding of the LEGONucleus hold. Agent Orange smiled as he got closer to the hold, his orange eyes glowing again. He rasied up his little arms, and they beganto vibrate, a green glow eminating from between them. Son, a small green, glowing, LEGO brick appeared and Agent Orange grabbed at it. Carfully, Agent Orange put the LEGONucleus atomic protocore into the LEGONucleus hold, and shut the door on it. Next, the LEGONucleus began to glow the same color green, and power began to generate throughout the entire building. Power, sweet power.

Quickly, Agent Orange went to the other two buildings, and did the same things there, creating three seperate LEGONucleus', with sweet power and the ability to create more things of the LEGO. Soon, all LEGONucleus' began doing their first job, pumping out LEGOMinion after LEGOMinion, until many existed, and were workign towards their common goal.


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