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Date Posted: 05:50:54 03/28/02 Thu
Author: Mahhr-Sel
Subject: He paced.

The dingy hotel room still stank of sweat and blood, sheets strewn about, from the previous night's recreational activities. He righted a lamp on the nightstand, only to have it topple and shatter the moment he turned his back.

Mahhr-Sel laughed. What did it matter what state he left the motel room in? He had the creds to cover it and on R'ei-Jext, as lawless a colony as ever there was, creds ruled over all else.

He knelt before the fragments of the shattered lamp, tilting his neck for a moment as he caught a whiff of her scent still lingering on the nearby bedsheets. Oh, but she had been a fine distraction, her screams a symphony to his ears. He would have to find another to amuse him before his time in the colony was up; by now there would be little if anything left of his companion. He chuckled, appreciating a benefit of the contagion. The others, the others were prone perhaps to emotional attachments, but he had no such Achilles' heel. His needs were met and he remained free, free to make the most of this life. Many of the others were content to relive the same mistakes, but not Mahhr-Sel, not this time.

His picked up the shards of the lamp and squeezed it tightly in his hand, rivulets of blood trickling down his wrist, coating his forearm. He unfolded his fist after a few seconds, after the glow had died down, and flipped his shiny new creds once before pocketing them. Wiping his hand on the nearest sheet, he donned his hat, its brim casting his eyes in shadow, and stepped out of his room once more.

In the darkened empty room, sheets sizzled and melted. The unidentifiable residue on the remains of the bed could not be traced to him. But on R'ei Jext, most landlords burned their tenants linens anyway....

"Why torture yourself when life will do it for you?"
-Laura Walker

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