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Date Posted: 17:59:25 09/03/02 Tue
Author: A very unnerved Dree
Subject: KYTAN! AH!
In reply to: Collie 's message, "Fanged muzzle opens wide.." on 12:35:02 09/03/02 Tue

At the entrance of Ankalai's massive form, the emerald-furred Aya takes a good hard look, sniffs the air, and almost cringes. A Kytan. On Terole. Sure, she'd never fought in space against the buggers, but she'd ended up on Kyta once before, a huge miscalculation in all respects, and barely escaped with her pretty pelt still attached to her flesh. Shivering once, the Cano-Kiara removes her fear, replacing it with the most arrogant grin she can muster - carefully not shining the infuriating expression in Redwood's direction. Palely green-dappled hide rippling as she rises, Dree gives a respectful bow in the Governor's direction and a dismissive tail-flick at the Zantarag, her grin changing from arrogant to laughing-in-the-face-of-death as she lunges forward, and through the Portal that TFD created. Growling laughter echoes eerily, distorted by the warped energy, but only for a moment before the Kumayaki is completely gone.

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