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Date Posted: 20:11:26 09/04/02 Wed
Author: Redwood, Gu, Akartis
Subject: Hum de dum...
In reply to: Redwood, Washi, Gutadrae 's message, "Enter the Big Kahuna! *GONG* And her stalker... =O,o=" on 18:20:01 08/26/02 Mon

Redwood's tailblade shifts its position, a musical clink as the silvery length resettles onto the smooth stone flooring of the Den. The Korat feels crowded, irrational since the Den's main 'room' is over an acre in area, with each 'toe office' the size of a pool. It's a very big place, but nonetheless, the red's fur twitches irritably. To Collie's comment on Drakkan isolation, she snorts. "If they had not so thoroughly intended their isolation, I would agree with you. It seems to me their weakness would be their allies, if they had them." Gu interjects, respectfully but with a wry tone, "Not to mention the Drakka's home star is a few galaxies away from this one." The young tan shrugs narrow shoulders lightly.

Akartis watches TFD's departure curiously, grinning despite himself at the Kumayaki's eagerness to get allies of her own kind. But for the rest of the time from Seleth's disappearance, he keeps an eye on Collie. There is no way this hyperactive little bundle of... giggles... is his old role-model. His friend's father and protector of Terole. The buckskin-furred male shakes his thin muzzle slightly, quietly thankful that his mother hadn't noticed his... undernourished... state of well-being. Lifting one side of his muzzle in a rueful grimace, only visible to his brother, the male flares his whiskers out and settles again to watch.

Gu turns his sleek muzzle to stare boldly at the Zantarag, black nose crinkling and lips lifting in a half-hostile, half-warning expression. Slender ears flatten to his streamlined skull and the adolescent lets out a whisper-growl, quiet but intense. Who is this arrogant giant, walking in on a council called by the Governor for those she commanded to attend and no others? However, as his mother takes no offense to this intrusion, Gu ceases his growl and merely cocks his tailblade at his haunch, his own personal warning of imminent death if threatened.

Redwood's glacier-blue eyes keep watch over Ankalai, but to her younger son's surprise, she does not protest his abrupt and rude entrance. Yet. She tolerates his tailblade being briefly ready for action. His hostile reaction to Collie's good-natured foolery. And she watches Dree's hurried and rather deranged exit. Then, finally, her broad muzzle turns in the Kytan's direction. "And you are?" she asks in a deep tone, a growling rumble which is her normal speaking voice underlying the fang-shaped words. A glint shines in her frigid gaze, some concept hidden underneath the small pinpoint of light. Gu's own eyes go wide and he watches his mother, rather than the Zantarag. Even Akartis glances up, pale violet-grey orbs fixated on the massive red Korat. This spells trouble, he mentally mutters to himself.

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