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Date Posted: 18:32:36 09/04/01 Tue
Author: Andalyn
Subject: >.<
In reply to: Hredit 's message, "He chuckles. "When did you all get the impression that my race is weak? I mean, I must agree that these spawn of mine aren't true Vareshins, only animal-based things, but they aren't as weak as you think. And although I am a true Vareshin I won't be around to watch the fight. I have things to do. Good day!" With that all twelve Vareshins spring at the terolians as Hredit plunges into the ground." on 10:19:24 09/04/01 Tue

*She grins and lunges, just as Hredit says 'good day.' The speed of a Korat is incredible, lightning-swift; the speed of a Korat, Of the Line, and ready to fight makes a normal Korat seem slow. Having a little practice in fighting these bugs, she snaps her neck out and her jaws close on Hredit's foot. ((If you think I'm powerplaying, please say so. I don't intend to, although I dearly love Korats, and they are rather quick animals.)) Though the grip is weak for two seconds, the instant she tightens her jaws enough to hold has the bad luck to be the instant the Vareshin continues burrowing. Muzzle rammed into dirt, the black crett braces all four muscular limbs and pulls back, hopefully stopping Hredit from going farther. Her tail blade whips behind her, protecting her back half from attack, though her chest, shoulders, and head are vulnerable at the moment.*

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