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Date Posted: 16:24:12 10/31/01 Wed
Author: Caleway
Subject: ::A low rumble shakes his very being.:: You fool. If Akartis has any remaining Koratian honor, and that is doubtful indeed, then the fight will be between he and I. You pitiful seconds will have to sit back and watch. ::The red turns to the smaller Korat, a smug look.:: Do you accept the challenge, cub? You know you can't win.
In reply to: Mystery Deathsong 's message, "**Tall Dagaan steps over**" on 11:47:07 10/31/01 Wed

>**the tall Dagaan steps over, re-entering the Den. She
>stands at nearly 7ft, nearly a foot taller than
>average height. She folds the great silven wings
>across the calico back. Talons grip the ground beneath
>her. Canine muzzle curls slightly in disgust at the
>Korat...she glances at Devan, guessing by the look of
>the Den, that he's already pretty angry. Sharp eyes
>pass over, then turn, icy cold at the new Korat. She
>snorts** You take over Terole? **she
>laughs, the sound sickening** I didn't know her well,
>but I knew Redwood a bit in the old days, before the
>first war. She wouldn't send a scumbag
>like you here. Ever. She put Arkartis in command. Do
>you question her decision by doing this? I advise you
>re-think your position, Korat, before you speak again.
>There's no way you're taking Terole.
>I've fought for this planet twice before, I'm not
>afraid to do it again. So c'mon Big Shot, it's go time
>if you think you can.

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