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Date Posted: 21:34:50 08/19/01 Sun
Author: Snipar
Subject: "Skkktt---to all in range!! Please help!!!"
In reply to: Fulcrumm 's message, "His motion's would have been almost comical..." on 22:06:05 08/14/01 Tue

Fulcrumm stumbled back as a holographic display sprung forth from the forearm peice he was holding. He dropped it even as he fell back in a heap of discarded metal. Before him, a tiny replica of the armor or rather, its original occupant, spoke frantic words.

"To all recieving this, this is a priority-one distress call from Snipar! My Targetmaster partner Blackeagle has attacked me! Repeat *skkkkt* --cked me!! I am presently beneath Deceptitropolis in the underground tram system....I..I think it may have been the new fuel source Trypticon discovered on Hydrus-IV!! He's gone mad to attack his own Nebulan partner!!! Moons, NO!! He's here!! Stay back 'eagle!! Don't come any closer or I'll transform and shoot!! Woe to your ancestors then, Cybertronian!! Let this act forever plague your subsyst---aaaAAAAAARGHHHHH!!!!!"

Fulcrumm shielded his good optic; the other was too far gone to be any worse for scanning the flash as the hologram flared and disappeared. The body in the armor WAS Nebulan then, according to the transmission from the dead. Fulcrumm had never been to Nebulos, and had only met the Nebulan partners of the 'masters who returned to Cybertron. The human species were varied; so too could different sorts of Nebulans exist. That explained the body, but there were other parts of the message which puzzled the mute Micromaster. For one thing, the tunnel he was in was below Cybertropolis...nowhere in his databanks could he find a memory of a city called 'Deceptitropolis.' Then again, the Decepticons DID control Cybertron for a major portion of their history...it was as possible as the access tunnel once housing the tram line the hologram also spoke of. Fulcrumm was satisfied that the human rule of Ockham's razor applied here, that the simplest explanation was preferable. He also reasoned that the Nebulan's partner Blackeagle was a Decepticon, though what drove him mad he couldn't fathom. With Decepticons, there was no logic to their ruthlessness. Their history was full of traitors who turned on their own kind--Starscream, Shockwave, Hook, Scourge--with a Nebulan there would be even less restraint. The very fact that Decepticons had even teamed with 'fleshlings' as their opposition had was evidence of their desperation in the waning days of the war.

Fulcrumm went back to fiddling with the armpiece, sliding his own arm inside where his tiny dextrous fingertips opened up and microlasers began fusing and repairing. For the first time, the decrepit mechanoid had something to do, and was glad to be doing it...

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