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Date Posted: 18:40:56 03/22/02 Fri
Author: Jason
Author Host/IP: l4duppx2.hewitt.com /
Subject: VIsitation from who or what?

I was really young, probably around 11 or so, (I am 25 now) and all I remember was complaining about having to go to bed so early. Well, about 10 minuites or so after having gone to bed, I felt this really temendous feeling of fear come over me, and I felt as if I was somewhat blinded cuz the light that always seems to be in your room from a street lamp, sign, or another room, seemed to dim to meer nothingness. I felt stiff, I couldn't make a peep, and I remember feeling like I was being held down and crying without making any noise at all what-so-ever and trying to say "mommy". It wasn't working. Well, I must've blacked out cuz I found myself on the floor with my arms out and legs together UP TIL 4:00AM after going to bed at 8:00PM still feeling like I was being held down, cold and controlled. EVERY TIME I shut my eyes, this HIDEOUS thing, and I have no clue to this day what it was, except a hydra (that's the only sense I can make of it), appeared to be there but only WHEN MY EYES WERE CLOSED! And it kept calling my name but it was not in English, it was in some language I have never heard before, and it scared the shit outta me. My mother told me it was a very supernatural occurrance, but from what? Are hydra's not associated with Witchcraft or Satanism? Help! What went on here? AND DO NOT TELL ME IT WAS MY IMAGINATION CUZ CREATIVE MINDS DO NOT MAKE YOU CRY AND SCARED TO THE POINT YOU CANNOT CALL OUT YOUR MOTHER'S NAME AND BE UP TILL 4 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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