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Date Posted: 13:15:12 03/17/06 Fri
Author: Shelly
Author Host/IP: cpe-66-65-207-158.ne.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Country Tavern and Blue Lady
In reply to: Dan 's message, "Re: Country Tavern and Blue Lady" on 15:10:27 07/05/04 Mon

Just found this after searching for info on Vale cemetery. Last Halloween my DH and I visited this cemetery around noon and we just drove thru and my DH did see a blue light coming from a grave and went to take pics but camera batteries showed they were drained even though we fully charged them before we went. Ater we left thew camera worked fine and green light came on indicating the batteries were charged and we even left camera on for 15 minutes and the red light never came back on so found that kinda freaky. Also I knew about the blue lady and light but my DH knew no history of the cemetery and so was freaked when he was talking about the blue light, he said it was the width of the grave and about a few feet above it.

So does anyone have any other info as im very interested in this cemetery and the blue lady.

Shelly in NH

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