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Date Posted: 17:49:46 08/21/01 Tue
Author: Sergaent Roberts
Subject: Oh, joy.
In reply to: Admiral Physt 's message, "MESSAGE FROM ADMIRAL PHYST" on 19:36:23 08/19/01 Sun

Sergeant Roberts sighed deeply, and pushed his chair away from his desk. The message that had come through wasn’t one that he found particularly pleasing. Any time the Navy officials moved in for a ‘routine inspection’, he and his crew had become accustomed to having the entire Colony uprooted, turned upside down and inside out, and then left in shambles, without ever receiving an apology from the suits responsible. The Senate was always worried about what ‘might’ be happening on bases like this, what ‘might’ be slipping under their greedy noses. Sadly, the political mongrels never believed him when he told them what really happened up here.


He didn’t think he could ever stress just how boring it could actually be up here at times. Granted, sometimes the science staff found a rare mineral on the surface of the moon. And the military personnel still had that ordeal with the smuggler who had crashed near the Colony last year. Everyone still talked about that over meals when nothing better came to mind. Regardless, it was a boring, basic moon Colony.

Not to say Roberts didn’t love every minute of it. ‘It may be a boring place to live, but it’s a peaceful place to live.’ He often quoted this to his crew when they complained. And they knew he was right. The war and chaos that often swept across Cybertron and the rest of the Universe rarely found its way to Velocity. Even when Megatron himself had discovered the base, he had simply sent a squadron of Vehicon drones up to monitor what he had considered below his interest. He hadn’t been wrong, either. Though reserved, the personnel on Velocity went with everything they were told. It was vastly preferred choice, considering what had happened to those on world at the time.

He sat staring at the screen, over an arm’s length away from him. He didn’t want to sit in front of that computer any longer, but he didn’t want to get up, either. He knew he had preparations to make for the upcoming chaos of turning everything inside out. Sometimes people just don’t want to move, hoping that if they sit still, Time itself will follow suit, and freeze. Never moving, never flowing.

It is wrong to assume that.

He knew that. Again, he drew in a deep breath, and let loose a meaningful sigh. He stood, and pushed his chair up to the desk where the message still sat motionless, as if to freeze time itself as Roberts left his room, leaving his computer screen to handle what he himself so desperately wanted to do.


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