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Date Posted: 21:26:48 05/01/02 Wed
Author: Cybertronian Skirmishers
Subject: "BANK BANK BANK!!!"
In reply to: The Swarm (drones) 's message, "Blitzkrieg" on 19:51:15 04/14/02 Sun

"Watch those beams! Ely, Watch those--SLAG!!! Dragon wing, give support to Delta Wing."

"Roger that."

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"

"Calm down White. Focus on targets."

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"

"Captain, White has lost it, we're pullin...ChhZHZZZ"

The Skirmishers were always a tough lot. Terran in blood and bird in spirt, they were some of the first to take the fight of flight right to the Meks realm. They were upstanding and outstanding in their utter bravery when it came to fighting against and side by side the usually fearsome Cybertronians.

It was a testimony of their courage that long after many of the Cybertronian military outposts were disbanded, High Command had decided to keep the Skirmishers near-line knowing them to be the indispensable asset they were. Humans, trained by IG-Seekers, to be some of the best damned pilots 2 galaxies have ever known. They were light, they were fast, they were gutsy.

It was no suprise that when Bhoarr gave the word, the order had barely left his lips and they were launching. Here they found themselves weaving through some fearsome monstrosities and facing near impossible odds. Just another fight, the Skirmishers would always say followed with their three-bees motto..."Our bite is as bad as our bark"...

Many Skirmishers will die today each one individually knew, accepting that the death could be their own. Many would be devoured alive by those...those bus sized bugs. Others would probably meet death screaming like White just did. People met death in different ways...no ones way was worst or better than the other...unless they managed to take out enemy scum at the same time. Ah Death. They saluted it and mentally shrugged.

"We'll die good"

"Roger that."

"Triple Bee, folks"

"Copy that."

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