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Date Posted: 20:47:02 01/30/03 Thu
Author: Sgt. Capibara
Subject: "Admiral! Admiral Bhoare you aren't listen--oof!"

The Maximal rodent muttered under his breath as another explosion rocked the Delta Command Class Cruiser. Outside most of the fleet had been decimated, the Swarm's matter-energy conversion abilities leaving nothing behind. Capibara watched his commander shouting orders on the bridge while officers ran back and forth, watched terrans in Skirmisher suits fighting alongside IG Seekers, watched as 100 strong Cybertronians arose from the surface of the homeworld without protection of a ship, or military training. Somewhere, deep in his spark, Capibara knew he was done watching, and certainly done being ignored.

He stepped into the turbo-lift, his hand surprisingly steady as he depressed the button for his desired level. He thought long and hard about the battle, about the swift and brutal neutralization of the moon, and of Admiral Bhoare's tactical savvy. The moon itself had provided shelter for the main cruiser and a lot of the fleet from the initial blast that wiped out so many, and destroyed sensors on the facing surface. Many would die so that Cybertron might live. And witnessing the Unaligned rise up to join the military, Capibara realized how many were willing. Could he do any less?

* * *

There was one fighter still in the auxilliary docking bay, conveniently enough. Maybe they had more ships than pilots, or maybe one froze and decided not to soar out into certain death. The misunderstood rodent was bitter enough to think the latter was the case, but most of his bitterness was reactionary and surface, prone to influence from how others treated him. Oddly enough, he thought now of Primus, and wondered if this all wasn't fate.

He soared out, breaching the force field, and veered off toward the mass of oversized insects. he had his pick of targets and most were busy with the larger ships or some new attraction that had arisen during his trip to the small fighter. He double-checked the settings on his gun, noting that all polarities on his energy-based weapons had been reversed.

"Admiral. I don't know if you or anyone will recieve this transmission. I tried to tell you, to tell others my idea, but I was ignored. Maybe. Maybe you had other things at stake, and maybe I took things too personally sometimes. This is bigger than my ego, bigger than all of us.

What I do, I do for love of Cybertron, for Primus and his creations, for the humans who bravely fight alongside us in their Skirmisher armor. If this transmission is indeed lost amid all the elctromagnetic interference, then slag it. Some egghead on some ship will be bond to stumble upon the obvious. Firing energy at these things? They're gobbling our blasts like candy! So I'm going to try the reverse, see what happens when I draw energy in. I've modified this small fighter but I know it will overload...that thing turning toward me--oh primus, its mandibles--it's MAW! Steady Capi..steady...it's so much larger....three times the size....but if I can take one out maybe, just maybe, I can set an example for others and start to turn the--it's charging! It's going to feed! Goodbye Admiral! For Primus; FOR CYBERTRON!"

The individual Swarm entity focused on the craft, releasing a beam that more closely resembled a mist from Capibara's frighteningly close viewpoint. Within moments it would envelop him, and the ship around him would dissovle from solid matter into energy, energy which this horrid creature would draw back into itself. Without hesitation he fired, his experiment having its desired effect! The creature shuddered and cracked before him, as the meters on his console spun off the scale. Violently, the craft exploded and the withering husk of the bug before him shattered before the force of the blast! Soon however, a familiar mist slipped between the fragments of exoskelton and ship parts, around the charred lifeless body of a Maximal sargeant. All debris, converted to energy, was drawn into more drones who had been drawn to this site. Soon they soared away toward other targets, leaving a very dark and empty patch of space, with no evidence of the minor breakthrough or noble sacrifice that had taken place.

Capibara may well have died in vain.

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