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Date Posted: 19:34:28 04/05/03 Sat
Author: Oyl Slik
Subject: Nightmare of the Fading

His optics were dim, the hue of his metal all but completely desaturated of color. In the darkened core of the Strategos cannon the only light that came was from the occasional explosion outside.

In his mind, Oyl Slik had fired again, this time the devestating collision of matter and anti-matter penetrating one of the black hives. In his mind, Oyl Slik's repeated sacrifice went wholly unnoticed, and the whole of Velocity was devoured by the descending hordes. In reality, he lay dazed, partially in stasis lock, his circuitry badly damaged by his first blast. Oyl Slik's life was fading, his very spark on the verge of loss should it not be consumed by a drone first. His tale was all but ending without, but within

he floated, his spark energies manifesting a simulation of his physical body. The waves of Swarm drones had wiped out the very moonbase around him. He hovered in horror as straggling ships from the fleet moved into position, only to be surrounded and consumed amid the debris of the once proud moon. He saw the bodies of skirmishers, battered and bloody and all too real reminders of the frailty and bravery of the human race, saw them float by hungry drones who in their singleminded perception of basic need energized and absorbed the corpses with no remorse, indeed no capacity for remorse. Energy could be neither created nor destroyed, and it was simply more efficient to recycle. The Swarm were not inherently evil; Oyl Slik could sense this much. They were in a way fulfilling their programming as their Autobot creator had designed them to, if not how he intended them. How could they distinguish anything beyond simple pragmatic mathematical equations?

There was an evil influence here, something darker than the large mosquitos obscuring the stars from view. The Swarm might be a force of nature, avatars of a scientific miscalculation, but something had directed them here, was controlling them. The thought that there was intent behind this after all, that someone was actually benefitting from this seemingly senseless death and destruction infuriated Oyl Slik. He screamed, his cry unheard in the vacuum of space, but his spark blazed bright and pinpoints of light extended in every direction, piercing the offenders, futilely trying to lash out at their trio of dark masters just beyond Oyl Slik's perception. Within, his rage and grief manifested as a personal and final flare of his life energy exploding outwards, consuming evil and consigning the dead to a slightly more respectful send-off. And without,

his body glowed once more, rivets popping as his inner energy surged from his leaking optics and agape mouth. Rows of warning lights flashed erratically up the length of the cannon, and as Oyl Slik finally and definitively burned himself out, pouring everything he had left into it, the DIPSCEE cut through the sky once more, a blast of devestating force blazing through the battle field toward a distant hive....

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