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Date Posted: 14:42:19 09/20/01 Thu
Author: Blade
Subject: Re: *Silently, femme fatale enters..*
In reply to: Tyger 's message, "Re: *Silently, femme fatale enters..*" on 19:15:43 09/18/01 Tue

*Argent gaze unfocused as he pulled the memories from his mind. His voice takes on a dull, almost lifeless tone.* There is a mountain made of pure diamond in front of me, so high I cannot see the top. A brilliant pearl falls from the sky and cracks the mountain. A great golden dragon rears up and swallows the pearl whole, then turns black and falls into a pit. A silver dragon retrieves its fallen comrade, but turns black also. A shining light strikes the once silver dragon and he regains his color, then rips the other dragon in half. He casts away the blackened corpse and a golden egg remains. A great bright army comes, but a wall of thorns blocks their way. They push through and then must fight a thousand poisonous snakes. The egg hatches and a new golden dragon carries the army to the mountain top. Then all the gods in heaven fall, and two angels push the mountain back together. They all celebrate, but then fire rains from the sky. They are all killed. And the world turns black from the smoke. And the wails of the dead fill the world. Only the silver dragons remains, and he is covered with blood. The ghosts rip out his eyes. And his misery kills him. *Voice was now laced with fear, form taut with suppressed emotion.*

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