Subject: I come forth dare to accept me? |
Author: Gothic Knight
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Date Posted: 02:01:41 03/22/03 Sat
The soft mist continued it's dark wrath, all was filmed in a wet coat. It was a dark and dreary day, but it was treasured, none the less. The creek had bailed it's bed, tired of being confined. The water flowed up over the banks, engulfing the shores about them. The treetops swayed in the warm breeze, the green leaves flittered, happy and gay. The sun seemed too ashamed to show it's face, and for good reason. The darkness ruled today, and perhaps it would rule tomorrow.
Darkness Prevails
There she was. A dark frame against a dark background, it was a truly fitting scene. Her journey consisted of plains, rivers, mountians, and a jungle or two, none seemed as promising as this. It was dark, and a shadow engulfed it's only hope of happiness. It was a bleak chance at life for her, as well as the many other equide that lived there. Her trek continued into a narrow riverbed, which was long ago flooded. She stopped to partake of the clear liquid, it had been days since she drank. The icey water was a kick in the gut, but she cared naught, it was water all the same. After filling, she splashed and sloshed back onto the flooded plain, unsure of what she was searching for.
>Prayers of hope are no good<
Classic flavour,
how I miss you,
if I only,
once could kiss you,
I'd be happy,
for one moment,
of my lifetime,
I'd be there.
Gothic Knight
purest of blck
4 winters
Fire and Spice make everything interesting...
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