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Subject: I am having this Event - on the Web. Everyone needs to eat

Ashlyn Thompson (produce)
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Date Posted: 09:02:57 04/05/11 Tue
Author Host/IP: c-76-17-97-100.hsd1.ga.comcast.net/

I am having this Event - on the Web. Everyone needs to eat -- Anonymous, 13:43:16 04/04/11 Mon
I wanted to go ahead - and send this to you.

I am asking people to become customers - in this company for me.

It is a grocery company. Yes - you can get your groceries - delivered - right to your door.

The - thing - about me is: I do not buy groceries. Or - to be honest - hardly ever.

The point is: You can join this company as an independent agent. (An Affiliate) - do the $200 retail purchase and you are in. You can ask others to become - affiliates too and - move right on in to earn - commissions; and bonuses.

But - I am asking - people to become customers. Do - your first purchase - of at least $60 - $250 ... and take your time; about signing up (committing to becoming an affiliate).

The reasons for this - (1) I do not shop for groceries. (2) I am trying - to use my $200 elsewhere (3) the option is available.

Anyone - joining - this company - as a customer - can accumulate -their $200 retail sales - thru others.

So - I am asking you to become a customer - first ( support me) in your initial purchase. If you were to buy $200 - from them. I'll be in, and you'll be in.

So take a look. Here is the website: www.mpbtoday.com/jhopkins
jhopkins: is my sponsor

Just notify her - and let her know - that you are signing up as a customer - under Ashlyn Dumile - ilike2barter@gmx.com

her email address is: juliamh55@hotmail.com

Another thing: Do not signup - until - you are ready to make - the purchase.

I noticed - that things got complicated, when I signed up before I made a shopping.

So - if you are real, real busy - and need to save gas or something.

This is a great idea. Review - the website and see. You'll like it.

Only cost: $12.50 for delivery.

Here are all the reasons - why you should:

Save Time .... eliminate the hassle of shopping and standing in line.

Eliminate .... having to pick the items .... put them in the shopping basket..... take them out of the shopping basket - to ring them up.... put them .... back in the shopping basket ... and then .... bring them home and .... put them ... in their rightful place.

Save Gas!

Convenient....no more dragging - the kids .... in and out!

Save Money....avoid impluse shopping!
... .and save yourself - some time - money and energy.
and last and most important reason..... help me!

Once you have decided to use this convenient company - you can always - use the same approach - to ask other relatives to sign up - from you. ( I know - I will not.) Also - do not tell them - it originated from me!(Julia!) Thanks - Ashlyn.

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