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The Austen Household
. The cottage has only got 1 bedroom, consisting of a bed made of hay and a feathered quilt, a tin bath, a wooden table with 1 chair, a large fireplace with smouldering wood underneath. Supported by a metal bar hanging over the fire is what looks like a black cauldron. You can hear a cow moo loudly from a field behind, some chickens are running around the front garden pecking for worms and a couple of sheep are baa-ing by the side of the cottage. The smell of tomato soup wafts out of the door towards you. The cat looks at you, still unsure. You hear feet pattering to the door, then you see a young women, 19 at the most come to the door and pick up the cat. She smiles at you *Sorry if my cat intimidated you, she can get like that sometimes*she smiles*i am Cordellia Austen, welcome to my cottage, its not much but i can call it home. Please come in for some soup, fresh off the fire*she returns inside carrying her cat.
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