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Date Posted: 15:22:48 08/09/03 Sat
Author: Excalibur
Subject: Newcomer

The raven black male tread across the meadows, pausing momentarily to gaze at the sky before wandering on. Grey fur peppered his muzzle, ears, paws, and tail tip. He was a young adult, but looked jaded, burdened by the wisdom of the world. He had a lean, sinewy figure. Powerful muscles bedecked his slim figure and quivered with each motion, the powerful strides carrying him easily through the thick grass of the meadow.

He stopped, as though he'd reached his destination, though he really had no place in mind. With a sigh, he flopped down. He'd just been accepted to the pack, yet he had met no one yet. Despite his solitary nature, he felt a bit lonely. He looked around, sniffing the wind, hoping to see someone.


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