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Date Posted: 22:29:27 11/03/03 Mon
Author: Mother Nature? / Kujack
Subject: A brand new day

And the sun burst thru with a brillant flash of light onto the land known as Black pine Canyon (funny how a canyon is an island.) The sun was especially bright on the Woods of Black Pines. It shone thru the trees with such billiance, it woke up everything. Even Kujack, for the sun was burning thru the entrance of Fenris' den and onto his face. He blinked a little, rolling onto his stomach with ease that he hadn't felt in awhile. He smiled; his strength was back. Getting to his paws, he exited the domicial (sp?) and into the sun. He shook off and stretched, then walked around. Another smile; it almost excited him because he could walk! Sticking his nose into the air, he sniffed for food; even after that fawn last night, he was still hungry... And since she had caught food for him, he figured he could atleast return the favor, and ran off after the smell.

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