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Date Posted: 20:23:15 06/19/04 Sat
Author: Taz
Subject: Re: +Cross+
In reply to: Fenris 's message, "Re: +Cross+" on 19:10:00 06/02/04 Wed

--He remained in his place, eyeing the meat just placed in front of him with a scowl. Its scent wafting up to meet his nose, and the smell of fresh dear meat filled his senses. For a brief moment, his senses almost overpowered his pride-he slowly rose to his feet, standing tall, and massive as he always had. He took a few short, painstaking steps towards the haunch, then stopped. His eyes remained focused on the meat, and for a moment, he looked at it as though he were wondering what to do next. Then, like a switch had been flicked, his eyes narrowed, and after letting out a small, but low growl, he swatted the haunch with his massive paw, knocking it back a few feet, thought not nearly as far as he could have if he were at full strength.-- I don't need any damn pity gift...--He grumbled, then slowly turned and began tediously walking away. His muscles and body twitching and shaking at nearly every step. Blood continued to drip from his numerous wounds. He had only managed to disappear behind a few nearby bushes before a rustling of foilage and a muffled 'thud' was heard...his body finally drained of strength and energy, and continuing to be drained of blood...--

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