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Date Posted: 18:48:46 01/12/02 Sat
Author: Ensign Christopher Braddock
Subject: To his surprise, Chris was whistling...
In reply to: Mercado 's message, "The armored Nebulan's thoughts were far from what awaited them at the apex..." on 19:43:32 12/31/01 Mon

He couldn't quite place the name of it; he wasn't sure he even knew the name. But as he climbed, it finally came to him where he had heard it.

"Tankup's...first time John and the other officers finally took me with them...whatever I'm whistling, that's what was playing. Funny the things that stay with a person, the insignificant details that unlock the doors of memory. That other bar...I didn't think about it at the time, but I'm certain the same song was playing. Funny, ever since that little side trip and that business with Jenn's...with Jenn, I've felt different. The more I think about it, the more I'm sure I did the right thing. She's at peace now. And somewhere, somehow, so is Johnny. If I can accept leaving her behind, then...

It's more than that though. Talking with Mercado, seeing what his own brother was like, it helps put things in perspective. Johnny was no Raph Sar, far from it, and I'm fortunate to have had a brother like him if not as long as I would have liked. I'm never going to BE him, or anywhere near the kind of hero, but just going on with my life honors his memory. Grey-man mentioned this Mercado to me once or twice but it doesn't compare to working alongside him like this. Admirable the way he goes on considering what he's been through...a real role model and example. I just hope he gets past his own recent troubles..."

This last thought occured to the young ensign as he hefted the armored Nebulan up over the edge after him. Nathaniel was landing, still holding Raph Sar close by, and Biggs was impatiently waiting for them nearby. The climb had seemed an eternity, but they had made it.

Beyond their guide the party was dwarfed by a guarded chamber, an inscription visible upon the door but not yet readable at the distance they stood. Chris gasped, but it was not at the structure before them. A golden being of pure energy was slowly descending, a low hum barely audible.

"Grey-man, LOOK! I...I don't believe it! It's him, isn't it? But what is he doing here?!"

The winged Nathaniel could offer no explanation to his friend. Once, months earlier, Chris had nearly lost his life aboard the SP Boardhopper. Overrun with WR@, with the majority of the crew bent by their own fears, the once proud flagship of Starbase Rugby was in its last days. The last thing Braddock remembered was making it into a lifepod as the ship's computer blared the dire news of an imminent self-destruct. The ship's usurped commander, @nderson, had pushed a fateful button which doomed himself, Ensign Jenn Stromm, and countless others. Though many WR@ were taken, the price was high. Even those who had made it to escape pods like Chris had little air, and little power to make it back to the Starbase. They would have died mere miles from santuary were it not for the intervention of the glowing being now before the motley quintet. Manifesting amid the debri, it snared the pods with tethers of energy, towing them to the safety of the Docking Bay. Justin Grey had witnessed this with his own eyes. Christopher Braddock had not. When he finally heard the tale of his rescue, he heard it with a wealth of incredulity. Now, as a humanoid form composed solely of energy strode toward him and regarded him through the crackling blue arc that bisected its 'face', its only discernable feature, Chris was all believer.

"A...a guardian angel....I always prayed...never...I mean I had my faith but still...

J-johnny? Is that...is that you in there?"

Somewhere his friends were shouting a warning, but to Christopher Braddock it was miles away. He extended his hand toward the crackling figure before him even as his actions were mirrored. He felt an inexplicably familiar jolt as their fingertips met and fused, and his gaze never left the Bolt's. He spoke in a dull monotone, barely audible.

"No....not Johnny...someone...something...else...not an angel but a protector still, and an observer. Lost, separated from...drifting...saw it arrive when we did...and now...here to help. A friend. Always a friend. This much....it remembers....and we're...not the first ones it has observed.

Not much....time...have to hurry. But I have to know who...unless...unless...

Chris suddenly collapsed, toppling backward as the link between the energentity and himself was broken in a flash. Nathaniel cried his name even as Mercado moved quickly to catch him, and ease their young friend to the ground. The Bolt looked on, perhaps with concern, perhaps with something else. Expressionless, its motives remained a mystery to all assembled....

"If I die I forgive you; if I live we'll see."
-Spanish Proverb

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