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Subject: Re: How do I get a reading here?

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Date Posted: 18:50:50 10/19/03 Sun
In reply to: antaun 's message, "Re: How do I get a reading here?" on 14:36:46 07/02/03 Wed

>>This is for anybody here who does fortune-telling. I
>>am in need of a LOT of help! This is not a joke, so if
>>you're just looking to ruin a thread, then don't
>>respond. My life is a living heck and I need guidance
>>from oracles! I don't care what method you use, just
>>as long as

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you're good at it. I only have 4 questions.
>>Some methods that I've heard about are Tea Leaves,
>>I-Ching, Tarot Cards, and Coffee Grinds. I don't even
>>care if you use the Ouija Board. I am in search of a
>>good fortune teller, since my last one moved away. I
>>will pay for any future questions I ask, just as long
>>as you answer these ones accurately. I don't have any
>>money, so if you're not willing to answer these 4 for
>>free, then don't waste my time. I am begging the
>>moderators here not to delete this post, since you
>>don't like me here. I didn't swear or anything, so I
>>don't see why you delete all of the posts that I make.
>>I followed all of the rules up at the top, so my post
>>should be here when I get back tomorrow.
>>I want you all to send me a private message or respond
>>here, answering all of my questions.
>>And here they are.
>>1.If I try to force the friends of the people who
>>pressed false charges on me to tell the truth, will I
>>be arrested or injured?
>>2.Will I be rich by the end of this month?
>>3.Will Ashley or Shauna be my next girlfriend?
>>4.Will I ever get to date or "you know" my favorite
>>celebrity Joanie?

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