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Date Posted: 20:04:57 06/25/17 Sun
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: CPS Norway - About the abusive and murderish child protective system in Norway -

By Knut Holt

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It is Dangerous to Visit Norway Together With Your Children

Do not visit Norway with your children. They are likely to be taken away from you by the Norwegian CPS system. Child traficking by norwegian authorities is a heavy industry in Norway, and each child taken away is used to gain heavy profit in various ways by people and instances cooperating with the cps system. The following case i just one of many.

What actually happens to children taken is that a whole gang of professional will impose a lot of unneccesary treatment or services upon the child and get heavily paid by the Norwegian state, or the child will be rented out as guinea pig for research by Norwegian or foreign companies or institutes.


The Norwegian CPS system is perhaps the most aggressive child trafficker in the whole world.

I will generally worn anybody to travel to Norway with their children, since this happens also to children of foreigners.

We know that at least 10000 children are taken by the Norwegian CPS each year and oxer 1000 of them are foreign children visiting Norway with their parents. These numbers are horribly high when one conciders that around 60000 children are born in Norway each year.

Those participating in abducting children are granted huge sums of money from the Norwegian state for each child that is taken. Among those are foster care families, police officers, doctors, lawyears, psychologists, certain private agencies and a lot others. Some of these get money or finding children suited for abduction. Others get money for subjecting the child to treatments and services one falsly will claim that the child needs.

Many of the children simply disappear after being taken in Norway and nobody outside the CPS system knows what they then are being used for. But symptoms point to children taken being rented out as guinea pigs for medical experiments by Norwegian and international companies, by research institutes and by deep state agencies, and also used as sources of organs and tissue.

Norwegian roads are frequently being trafficked by dark vans with blacked windows. Many indices point to these vans transporting children and teens taken by the CPS system, and held under general anesthesia under the transport, and brought to secret places. The samne seems to be happening in USA in the same manner.

When they want to abduct a child,they use mainly two menthods. By one method the child, being at school, is lead into a secret room, usually with the healp of the school health service and some authority in the school. There other doctors or nurses are waiting. The child is given anesthesia to put him to sleep. The child is held uncoscious until the school day has passed and most other children have gone home from school. Then one of these dark vans wil come and bring the child away to a seceret place, still in am unconscious state.

In the other method they come with two of these dark vans to the home of the child. One of the vans contains the staff of the CPS agency, the other a police force to help with the abduction. They make the parents open the door. If the door is not opened, they will force themselves inside. They will then hastedly overwhelm the parents and the child and bring him into the vans. There the child is put to sleep and brought away.

In both cases the child is brougt to a secret hospital-like place, were he is held before being transported urther to a more permanent detsiny. The secret place is owned by the CPS agency, or equally often by a company that aids the CPS system. Evidence suggest that many of these secret places are undergraound installations. Norway is full of halls carved out underground or inside miuntais, but very little is told about their use.

It also seems that the air ambulance of Norway is heavily used to transport children taken by the CPS system. It is a fact that this service for a great part is usd for missions ordered by the state and that children held unconscious frequently are those transported by this service.

At that place they will examine the child medically in all thinkable ways. All the time he is held sedated to be passive and to hinder him from remembering what is happening.

During the stay it will be decided how to use the child and where to bring him permanently. Sometimes he will be brought to a foster care home, sometimes to other hospitals or institutions, again under anetshtesia.

The heavy use of ansetshesia on the kids during these prosesse have the aim of holding the child passive, and hindering him from perceiving, remembering and then telling others what ia happening to him.

Since I am activly inestigating these activities, plwase mail me with any information you have at: aquila_grande@yahoo.no

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36026458">http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36026458</a>

By Knut Holt

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.abicana.com/health_infomation.htm">http://www.abicana.com/health_infomation.htm</a>

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