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Date Posted: 03:14:39 05/26/02 Sun
Author: Raven
Subject: Welcome
In reply to: Dark Star 's message, "~`A strong black unicorn gallops in, his mane flying...`~" on 19:15:37 05/25/02 Sat

Ashen unicorn approaches at steady pace. Twin lobes twitch with curiosity as she halts her movements. Gruff snort emits t' he, parting her velvet lips she speaks "Welcome to Conflict Zone Dark Star" she bows her head a little in respect t' he "Claim your first mare and if you prove worthy I shall give to you your own lands or if you wish to claim one of the other tt's then you may do so but remember that at anytime another stallion may challenge you for these lands...even your mares" the mare shifts her position slightly before speaking again...turning her regal dial towards the direction of Angels Haven "Within Angels Haven you may find your first mare...choose wisely" with that she turned to lead off...cantering t'ward her own lands.

OOC:If you wish also you could set up your own tt by going to www.voy.com and then give me the link and the herds name and I will put it up for you on the regions page! Good luck and thanx 4 joining!

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