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Date Posted: 13:24:33 05/07/03 Wed
Author: Destiny
Subject: ~*The darkness above glitters as a single shooting star rockets across the sky*~

~*The star streaks across the sky as though falling down onto the world below. Within a moment it does and comes crashing down into the open feild. It hits the ground with a blinding flash that lights up the whole area. As darkness decends once again unicorn is seen standing it the place that the star had struck. She shakes her head and star dust falls from her long flowing mane. Her velvet coat is a dazzling white that seems to shine with a light all its own. Her mane and tail are long and flowing with just a hint of wave. A long crystal horn spirals up from her for head gleaming in the moons light. Her liquid blue eyes stand out against the white of her body. Holding her head high she moves forward searching..*~

name: Destiny
age: Unknown
sex: female
color: White
pic: coming soon hopefull :)
description: Mysterious, strong, fun once you get to know her

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