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Date Posted: 02:07:07 05/23/02 Thu
Author: Raven
Subject: Welcome
In reply to: Reflection 's message, "New mare gallops in, looking for a stallion and a herd" on 18:46:58 05/22/02 Wed

Raven hued mare approaches t' new, ebon forelock dances across twin pool o' wisdom fixed upon fellow unicorn. Onyx daggers cease their movements as she halts but a few feet away from t' femme, chiselled dial bowed in greeting. "Welcome to Conflict Zone Reflection. As the first to join these lands I grant you the power of water, use this power wisely as it allows you to summon the strengths of the seas, rivers and lakes. If you wish you can join me within my tt...but only if you wish" The unicorn nods her head slightly before pivoting sharply on strong hocks t' gallop back towards her tt 'The Golden City'.

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